About Me

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I am Doctor by profession. Like many of you I have numerous dreams, desires, ambitions and aims BUT most important is to live my life happily and peacefully enjoying every bit of it. Though I definitely want to be successful but am not in the rat-race to reach on Top. I want to enjoy every moment of my life and face the challenges as they come. In my view traveling to places is one of the best ways to detoxify our mind, body & soul. Wherever I go I try to explore the destination as much as possible. Hope you would like the posts...!!!!!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Few words about Hypertension

* There is something called 'Iceberg Phenomenon'.
Most of u must have seen Titanic. In an Iceberg only some part is visible from above while majority of it lies submerged under water and it is the major problem. Same is true for diseases like Hypertension. The no. of cases apparent in the society is far less from the actual no. of patients who are still undiagnosed.
Though we are highly deficient in availability of medical services BUT your Ignorance is the major reason for it. Nobody visits the doctor unless there is a major symptom. Even after so much advertisements...so many free check-up camps people don't have time and money for their Health.
Routine health checks are never there in our To-Do lists.
To justify their fault people would say that 'Doctor to loot te hain' but what about paying twice or thrice the actual price for a cold drink or a snack in malls n other places?? And Doctor will give you atleast some health benefit while these things will infact do bad for your health if taken in excess.

It takes hardly anytime to get your B.P. checked and routine check-up and investigations. Less than what it takes for going to watch a movie. Atleast you can spare 3-4 days(MAX.) in a year for all your routine checks including General, Eye, ENT, Dental, Investigations- all of which are equally important. And this will be your best investment ever - better than those being advertised by your Financial Planners. It will save you money as well as discomfort in future times.

If you are diagnosed with Hypertension, routine follow-ups and regular medication is must.
Best thing is if diagnosed early in time most people can control it with proper Diet and Exercises alone.
And always remember "Prevention is Always Better Than Cure".
Thats all for now.

Stay Healthy Stay Happy


  1. Good going Doctor, but can you address some early symptoms which one/others can look for ?

  2. Thanks Rohit...this is just the beginning...will surely do that.
