About Me

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I am Doctor by profession. Like many of you I have numerous dreams, desires, ambitions and aims BUT most important is to live my life happily and peacefully enjoying every bit of it. Though I definitely want to be successful but am not in the rat-race to reach on Top. I want to enjoy every moment of my life and face the challenges as they come. In my view traveling to places is one of the best ways to detoxify our mind, body & soul. Wherever I go I try to explore the destination as much as possible. Hope you would like the posts...!!!!!

Sunday, 7 April 2013


Let me first introduce myself...I am just a routine 'aam aadmi' like you all and a Doctor by profession. 

I have always noticed people having no idea or false knowledge about many basic things vital for our day-to-day life situations. We have things inscribed in our minds and resist to change even after knowing what is actually right. And that includes many educated, so-called modern people.
I am not the exception. I am one of the crowd. 

But there are few such things which I would like to share with you. These would be mostly related to health for obvious reasons. To make it little more interesting, there will be facts from all walks of life in-between.

I will not be giving any prescriptions here but general doubts and queries are always welcome.
I am not doing any research of my own so the information shared here would be from various sources. Many of the things I post here will be those that you already know BUT have always ignored. 

You can always share your information and provide suggestions too.
Happy Blogging.....!!!!!

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