About Me

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I am Doctor by profession. Like many of you I have numerous dreams, desires, ambitions and aims BUT most important is to live my life happily and peacefully enjoying every bit of it. Though I definitely want to be successful but am not in the rat-race to reach on Top. I want to enjoy every moment of my life and face the challenges as they come. In my view traveling to places is one of the best ways to detoxify our mind, body & soul. Wherever I go I try to explore the destination as much as possible. Hope you would like the posts...!!!!!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy." - Rabindranath Tagore. 

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Some Latest Medical Research Findings

This would be a short article about few latest international research findings that you can use for betterment of your health.

  • Hatha Yoga reduces blood pressure in mildly Hypertensive patients:
Hatha yoga introduced to individuals with mild to moderate hypertension appears to lower blood pressure, and while the reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure aren't earth-shattering, they might just be enough to avoid starting antihypertensive medications, say researchers.With a reduction of 4 to 5 mm Hg, you could really have an impact on cardiovascular-disease risk. So, you should obviously use yoga as an adjunct to other lifestyle modifications, such as weight loss.

  • Vitamin C kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Vitamin C kills drug-sensitive, multidrug-resistant (MDR), and extensively-drug resistant (XDR) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in culture as a result of prooxidant effects.
Apart from this Vitamin C has many anti-oxidant benefits, infection fighting and wound healing properties.
So, just having a diet rich in Vitamin C can give you so many health benefits. Rich sources include amla, citrus fruits (like orange, mosambi), kiwi, mango, papaya,  berries, watermelon, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, sweet potato. Best is when you eat them uncooked and raw or steamed.

Stay Healthy Stay Happy

Monday, 13 May 2013

Fatafat Fat Facts...!!!!!!

Everybody wants to look slim. So, should you have a Fat Free diet? Absolutely NO. Your body needs fats as much as it needs other nutrients. But you need the good ones in right proportions.

  • Fats provide you about 9 calories per gram. But they should not be totally removed from your diet.
  • Some fats are absolutely essential. You can take about 3-4 tsp per day.
  • Dietary fats provide essential fatty acids required for absorption of fat soluble vitamins like A,D,E and K.
  • Fats help in insulation of body.
  • Fats are a major component of hormones, and also required in the production of happiness hormone, endorphins.
  • The ones that you have to avoid are transfats, found in deep-fried foods, margarine, doughnuts, potato chips, etc.
  • You also have to avoid saturated fats found in meat, cheese, butter, cream and hydrogenated oils.
  • Unsaturated fats are good fats and should be a part of your diet in balanced proportions. These are found in nuts, seeds, oils like olive & canola.
  • High consumption of bad fats result in accumulation of bad cholesterol which increase the risk of heart diseases and other morbidity.
  • Even in unsaturated fats the ones with higher quantities of MUFA(MonoUnsaturatedFattyAcids) are to be preferred.
  • Foods made up mostly of unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature such as olive oil, safflower oil, peanut oil and corn oil.
  • Olive oil is a good source of MUFA so it is good for your heart and even helps to lower blood pressure.
  • Extra virgin Olive oil, which comes from the first cold press of the olives, is the best. It is also rich in antioxidants and polyphenols.
And whatever you eat you need to exercise regularly to maintain your fitness.

Stay Healthy Stay Happy